Name of the person involved in the event:
Christine CLOES
Date of the event:
22 March 2012 - 22 March 2012
Type of Dissemination event:
Article in magazine
Description of Dissemination Event:
Article about the project activities in the quarterly magazine of the AEDE-EL (European Association of Teachers - Catholic Education), n°1, March 2012. This magazine is available on paper and under electronic format.
Target group:
130 copies of the paper version are sent to teachers and headmasters in the different areas of Belgium, but also in France, Italy, Spain and Canada.
The electronic version is available for all the people interested in education and European issues on the website of the AEDE-EL: http://www.aede-el.be/BI/BI.htm
The international network of the AEDE gathers 28 national sections in the EU.
Number of people reached by event:
more than 130
Held in:
Liège, Belgium
Outcomes and Results:
Direct information to the 130 members of the AEDE who receive the paper version and transnational dissemination through the European network of the AEDE, within Europe and out of Europe (Canada).
Supporting Documents: