Istituto Professionale F. Datini
Name of the person involved in the event:
Marco Manzuoli, project coordinator
Date of the event:
01 October 2012 - 01 October 2012
Type of Dissemination event:
Article on website
Description of Dissemination Event:
From 1st october Istituto Professionale has a new website, all renewed. In this new structure of website, space reserved to Stay@school Project has been changed.
Starting from a specific link, it's possible to find all article published in newsletter , which give updates about activities and materials developped.
Target group:
all teacher of IPS Datini, website readers
Number of people reached by event:
about 200 per month
Held in:
Prato Italy
Outcomes and Results:
The new website allows a better visibility and an easier access to Stay@school pages
Supporting Documents: