IAL Toscana
Name of the person involved in the event:
Cora Prussi, President of ANOLF CISL (The Association of immigrated people inside the Regional Trade union). Elisabetta Grossi.
Date of the event:
16 March 2012 - 16 March 2012
Type of Dissemination event:
Personal meeting
Description of Dissemination Event:
The meeting was important because Anolf is in contact with different schools and associations who are working in the field of immigration.
During the meeting we were presenting the project and deciding what association or school can be involved as associated partner.
Target group:
Schools / associations / ONG in the field of young immigrant education.
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
Florence, Italy
Outcomes and Results:
Anolf is informing his partners about the project. We already contacted the president of an Association (Cooperativa Casa dei Ragazzi) a Montemurlo, who are interested to our project.
Casa dei ragazzi is working on the field of culture, intercultural actions, education.
Supporting Documents: