Lifelong Learning ProgrammeThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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Name of the person involved in the event:
Christine CUVELIER
Date of the event:
07 May 2013 - 07 May 2013
Type of Dissemination event:
Description of Dissemination Event:
An article about the project was published in the newsletter of Mai 2013 sent by the association "Université de paix".
Target group:
The "Université de paix" is a non-profit association founded in 1960 by Father Dominique Pire, laureate of the Nobel Prize of Peace. The work of this reflexion and training centre is currently focused on the topic: “from the prevention to the positive management of conflicts”. The University of Peace wants to prevent the increase of violence by a humanistic management of the conflicts, for example by a practice of mediation by the peers. The University of Peace proposes different pedagogical tools for people with practical experience confronted with the management of conflicts.
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
Namur, Belgium
Outcomes and Results:
The "Université de Paix" takes part in the “Stay@School” project as Associated Partner.
This association contributes to inform a large audience about the initiatives and projects to fight school violence and early school leaving.
Supporting Documents:

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