Lifelong Learning ProgrammeThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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Name of the person involved in the event:
Date of the event:
19 September 2013 - 19 September 2013
Type of Dissemination event:
Presentation in a class: Education Sciences
Description of Dissemination Event:
Although some of the students had already heard about the Stay@School portal throw a blog addressed to them, the info in the screen at the hall, leaflets , we wanted to make a tailored presentation for them.
Target group:
Students of the University degree on Education Studies (future teachers)
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
Catarroja, Spain
Outcomes and Results:
The interest arrised not only for the content of the portal, but also for this idea of collaboration with teachers in schools in other European countries.
Even if they are used to look for information online they are not so familiar with initiatives for sharing experiences at international level.
That arised also the interest for the European dimension, the interest for having an experience abroad to know other point of views for facing similar issues at school. In particular, 3 of them asked for the Erasmus grants
Supporting Documents:

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